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Cost Report

Temecula Faux Painters Costs & Prices - ProMatcher Cost Report

Temecula Faux Painters Costs & Prices

Temecula, California.  The Temecula Faux Painters Cost Report is a concise report on everything you need to know about the cost of faux painters in the Temecula area.

Average Faux Painters Cost in Temecula

We have done a little research to find the average cost of faux painters in Temecula. Here are the average costs and prices reported back to us:
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Temecula Faux Painters Cost Data

Professionals in the Temecula area have provided information about how much faux painters cost(s). Here are some of the individual reports:
92591, Temecula, California - August 25, 2017

Trompe Loeil Painting

$25.00 to $75.00 per hour
$20.00 to $75.00 per square foot
Trompe Loeil is a specific form of artwork that requires skill and artistic training. I charge per project based on the detail and scope of the job. Average is $500/day. Based on a 5-7 hour day. Scaffolding is priced separately if needed.

Reported by:
92591, Temecula, California - August 25, 2017

Faux Painting

$15.00 to $35.00 per hour
$3.00 to $20.00 per square foot for basic textures
$10.00 to $50.00 per square foot for marbelizing
$5.00 to $25.00 per square foot for wood grain and stria
$5.00 to $25.00 per square foot for metalic
$10.00 to $35.00 per square foot for paper and stencils
$10.00 to $50.00 per square foot for plaster
I charge per project based on the square footage, detail and materials and supplies needed. I don't charge per hour but sometimes charge per day depending on the job. $500/day is the average for Murals and Faux Finishes. Normal Payment is a 1/3 deposit at signing of contract, 1/3 after finish of first day on job site and final payment when project is completed. Scaffolding is priced separately if needed.

Reported by:
91729, Rancho Cucamonga, California - July 9, 2018

Faux Painting

$2.55 - $5.09 per square foot for basic textures
Price includes applying a basic texture faux finish. Does not include wallpaper removal.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
92553, Moreno Valley, California - July 9, 2018

Faux Painting

$2.29 - $4.58 per square foot for basic textures
Estimate includes labor but excludes wallpaper removal.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
92507, Riverside, California - July 9, 2018

Faux Painting

$2.25 - $4.50 per square foot for basic textures
Cost includes time and materials. Unseen conditions may increase price.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
92335, Fontana, California - July 9, 2018

Faux Painting

$2.26 - $4.52 per square foot for basic textures
Price includes applying a basic texture faux finish. Does not include wallpaper removal.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
92879, Corona, California - July 9, 2018

Faux Painting

$2.55 - $5.10 per square foot for basic textures
This is a price estimate range for applying a basic texture faux finish and labor.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
91761, Ontario, California - July 9, 2018

Faux Painting

$2.52 - $5.05 per square foot for basic textures
This price estimate includes and material.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
92401, San Bernardino, California - July 9, 2018

Faux Painting

$2.30 - $4.60 per square foot for basic textures
Cost includes applying a basic texture faux finish.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
92262, Palm Springs, California - July 9, 2018

Faux Painting

$2.44 - $4.87 per square foot for basic textures
This price estimate includes applying a basic texture faux finish and material cost.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
Free quotes from local faux painters near you.

Temecula Faux Painters

41713 RIESLING CT, Temecula, CA
Empire Painting Service
18595 westlawn st, Hesperia, CA
True colors painting and wallcovering
4680 countrygate ct., Riverside, CA
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Disclaimer: Costs and prices shown on the ProMatcher site are intended to be used as general information, not as guaranteed estimates. To obtain cost information relevant to your project, request a quote or estimate from a local service provider.
Faux Painters > Costs & Prices > California > Temecula Faux Painters Costs & Prices

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